Christmas morning | simplified

Over the past few years, Christmas morning has been a chaotic morning filled with 10 rolls of wrapping paper, a million bows, one stressed out mama, and a little boy who we had to beg to open his last few gifts. The same with the girls. Being from a blended family, they receive twice the presents and are so tired of opening by the time they are finished. So this year, we took a different approach. Over the last year, I have been trying to simplify many areas of my life. My mind, my home, my time - just to name a few. So this Christmas as my little boy turned five, we decided to simplify his Christmas. He had four gifts to open and two from Santa. I can honestly say, he had the best Christmas. He was more excited than I've ever seen him and he is still playing nonstop with his toys weeks later. This was an eye opener for me and completely solidifies my thoughts on my journey to minimalism. Here are a few sunrise photos of my boy on Christmas morning.

Ty's Fifth Birthday!

It's so hard to believe my boy turned 5 years old December 9th. The past five years have flown by so quickly. I wish I would have sat down to write out a post full of amazing memories the past five years. But here are just a couple of snaps from his big day. I love my boy.