It is well.

It's a Thursday night. That time between Christmas and the new year when you think about the things you want to let go of and the things you want to grasp. Ready to start but not quite ready to let go. This must explain the pizza for dinner.....but I digress. My son is a few states away with my parents to visit my grandmother. I pray the memories he has this week he will carry for a lifetime. So needless to say, the past few days, I've been a little lost. Not having him here has left me wondering if I hear him saying "mama" at any given time, or needing to check on him. But it's also given time to get a few things checked off my list. The Christmas decorations are all packed away and newly labeled to make things easier next year. The new toys have yet to be organized, but that is a must do before he returns home. But right now, I'm sitting on the sofa listening to the sound of a hand sander. My husband is in the basement sanding down my piano to refinish it this week. It's ironic that this piano is one of my fondest memories of my grandmother growing up. Oh how she could play that piano so beautifully by ear. I can still see her arthritis worn fingers gracing those keys. She is so talented. I majored in music in college with a primary in piano....but I have never had the sweet presence on those keys as she has. The sander has such a monotone sound, yet as I was listening, I began humming a hymn. It has always been one of my favorites. Not only because of the history and story behind it, but the words themselves. It is well. Sometimes, MOST times, the Lord speaks to us in the smallest the most mundane times.

Tonight, while listening to the sander, I am at peace and full of joy.

"My sin, not in part but the whole, is nailed to the cross, and I bear it no more. Praise the Lord, praise the Lord, O my Soul!"

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